Saturday, February 5, 2011

Toys Aren't Us

I love my computer...I love how I can google anything that happens to flit across the gray matter and then quicker than a Cam Newton touchdown I've got an answer.  I am simply mad about how it lets me keep up with the world through all its jillion websites at my fingertips (I must confess,  I no longer even know where my library card is.)  Up until now it has been a paragon of helpfulness and entertainment (except for the time that I clicked on an innocent -enough sounding site and went straight to the virtual bastions of Sodom and Gomorrah but that's another story for another day.) So how come it has managed to make me crazy all of a sudden with its refusal to upload pictures to Facebook any more?  I've tried over and over and get the same logon error when it worked fine before and all of a sudden my "paragon of helpfulness" has become a "plethora of horses behind".  I am so frustrated with it!  It's not that I even want to upload pictures that often but when I want to I want that Cam Newton effect, not a "Fig Newton" (goes slow and tough to swallow.) Some kind of evil little critter has laid its nasty little progeny inside my computer, I just know it.  It couldn't be something that I've done to it myself, surely not.

Since I'm about as technologically savvy as a piece of cheese toast I think it's time to take this toy to the doctor for a proper diagnosis.  And as for whatever is wrong with it (I know, it's probably something I messed up all by myself but it's just more palatable to blame it on a bug), hopefully the Tech Doctor will have a big ole can of Raid handy to get me back to normal.

Achoo!  Toys, when they work right, are fun but when they don't they make me sneeze.  I think I need some take-out Chinese to make me feel all better.

How about you?  Does your computer ever make you crazy?  Achoo!  I need a kleenex and a can of virtual bug-killer!

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