Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Am Not a Sipper

Blogging will give you a lot of self-realization, I've learned that quickly.

I have a close friend who is a Mr. Shipshape/Black&White No Gray In-between/Precision Driven/Obsessive-Compulsive/High Performance individual.  He and I are about as much alike as Walmart and Tiffany's.  I am about as "gray" to his "black and white" as you can be.  We get along famously, however, because both of us recognize traits in each other that we'd like to possess (but know we'll never have.)

But for all of "Mr. Shipshape's" driven impulses and my keep-it-in-neutral-and-sit-in-the-driveway traits I've discovered that he is a sipper and I am not.  I don't have the patience to sip and he does and it makes no sense to me.  He drinks coffee luxuriously slow, enjoys the moment.  I can't enjoy the moment, I'm too busy slurping it down.  I don't drink coffee very often and I guess it's for that reason--I just can't sip it.  I've got to get to the bottom of the mug,  I'm not capable of letting it just sit there and blend with conversation and a piece of pie.  I can make the pie last for an hour but that coffee stares back at me like an impatient time bomb.  I can almost hear it asking me "how long do you think it's going to take before I'm cold and you know how yucky I'll be then".  Pie = slow, coffee = quick and so far the twain have not met.

I went by Panera Bread today and grabbed breakfast and a Chai tea latte; a small indulgence that I permit myself to enjoy every now and again.  Panera is literally across the street from where I work and by the time I got in the building to my desk and put my things down that latte was almost in the past tense.  It's almost pointless for them to put it in a "go" cup, I should have just gulped it down in the store.

Maybe some day I'll learn to sip and savor but for now I'm a gulp and grab girl; it ain't pretty but it's me.  Now about that pie though...

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