Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Ready to Live in Ecuador

No, not really.  A friend sent me a link to a picture of her sister taken recently in Mississippi and published in the local newspaper.  Barbara (or as I like to call her "Baaa-bra" because even though she's lived in the South for a double month of Sundays she still sounds like she just strolled down Beacon Hill in Boston) was bundled up like Nanook of the North and in the caption she said that she was tired of the cold weather and was ready to move closer to the Equator.  When I first read the sentence I immediately thought she'd said that she wanted to live closer to "Ecuador" and thought she'd lost her mind.  I mean there's probably not anything wrong with living in Ecuador, especially if that's the only place you've ever lived and known about, but personally I'd pick Bermuda although I just don't know if my knees would be legal in Bermuda shorts.  There's nothing attractive about adult knees, they just don't age well.  Now baby knees are precious--you want to kiss 'em twice but let them get a little age on them and they'll turn on you quicker than you can say varicose veins!

I'm ready for this cold weather to push on off to the Arctic Tundra where it belongs and let me get back to complaining about the my pedal pushers (I think we're supposed to call them "crop" pants now though) and sensible sandals (albeit with manicured toes though---feet will turn on you too like a woman wearing chiffon to scrub the shower!)  Come Spring come before I get crazy and pack my bags for Ecuador!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you are TOO FUNNY! Only YOU would think of Equador at first glance - I was ROLLING I was laughing so hard! So glad I could make your day! And actually, you made me feel so much better about my ugly knees and toes - thank goodness I still have my beautiful ACCENT - ha! Barbara from Boston (sometimes mistaken for Nanook or Ada Frump!)
