Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thinking Outside the Box at Weight Watchers

I recently discovered an old email that I'd sent to my sister years ago when we were both going to Weight Watchers and counting "points" were the big thing.  I don't know if they still count points at Weight Watchers any longer since I am a Weight Watcher reprobate.  I've backslid more times than I care to count and I am just not dependable when it comes to counting anything.  But I must admit, even if I did write the email below myself it still makes me laugh all over again.

"Do you think there are any points in a leather purse?  I'm eyeing it right now and I was sort of thinking that if I cut it up and put it in the crockpot with some salt and pepper and onions and then throw in a few other zero point vegetables that I might have me something tasty.  You know a crockpot can just do wonders with tough meat (of course I'm not sure about the zipper, it might be a little hard to chew) that I figure if I put enough "other stuff" in there with it I might get filled up this weekend.  I'm also looking in to that Chipper Jones autographed bat that Dan has and pondering if there would be any points in it if I cut it up in hunks and put it through the food processor and then combined it with 3oz of hamburger and some onion.  That way I could make myself about a 32oz meatloaf with only the points for the 3oz of meat; you know that people always put crackers or oatmeal in their meatloaf to make it stretch further so I figured this would be close to the same if I just pureed ole Chipper's Louisville slugger into sawdust and threw in a little bit of ketchup.  Then maybe I would be so full that I wouldn't be tempted to start on the hardrock maple chair legs in the dining room, them being so expensive and all.  Hmmmm...maybe I could parboil one and then put it in the blender with some fat free milk and some sweet and low and make me a big fat maple shake.  Well, I gotta go.  That microwave stand looks awfully good but I keep forgetting that it's not real wood.  It's too full of "fillers" for me to really enjoy and even I have my limits."

Going on a diet can make you come up with some real creative ways to beat the system.  Confound those points!

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