Friday, February 4, 2011

Do You Have a "Polite" Face?

My mother and I must have one of those faces that seemingly conveys  that "I know everything about this store; as a matter of fact I can answer all your questions and find anything you ever thought about buying in this store for you and will freely offer opinions as to what you are thinking of buying and on top of all that I am willing to share this knowledge with you if you will only stop me in the middle of the aisle and ask."  It happens all the time and I don't know why so it must be something about our face that says "questions answered and opinions offered here." We are ordinary people, no different than you.  I always try to be polite, so maybe it's a "polite" face that's the tip off that help is on the way. My mother and I have traded so many "you won't believe what someone asked me about the other day at ____ (fill in the store of your choice, it happens in all of them) that it long ago lost the surprise factor; now it's mere inevitability more than anything else.

I can go in Walmart and a drowning man-on-a-honey-do-mission who's practically walked the rubber off the wheels of the grocery cart looking for who-knows-what that the little woman had to have will spot me like a life jacket floating in a sea of mysterious merchandise.  There can be 10 other shoppers on an aisle with us but I know who he's coming to for help. Is it the way that my mother and I stare at what's on the shelf with self-assurance (or would that be "shelf-assurance"?) I'm not afraid to make eye-contact with people (everyone deserves a smile) so maybe that's it, who knows...sometimes I think people just like to be reassured about what they're putting in their buggy. I must confess, I'm a sucker for old people needing assistance because I know that Lord willing, I'll be in the same situation one day and looking for someone with a "polite" face to show me where the Fixodent is.

Do strangers talk to you?  Down here in the South we talk to people we don't know all the time, some just more than others.  I guess we don't really even think of them as strangers so much,  more like people to whom we haven't been properly introduced who just need to know which aisle the Mop & Glo is on.

1 comment:

  1. I actually really understand what you are saying! a man stopped me in Walmart the other day and asked me, "What kind of chocolate do I need to get if they are all out of the chocolate flavored almond bark?" haha...... Look at it as a compliment though...they see you and instantly feel comfortable talking with you. Thats something that is missing from our culture

