Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bah Bah Mother's Day, Have you any wool?

Readers beware:  This is not a sweet and frilly mother's day message.  For one, I am not a "frilly" person and sometimes I'm probably not even sweet although I try to do my best.

Mother's Day was a day, in my humble opinion, invented by the Hallmark industry and the International Brotherhood of Restaurants (I just made that up but it sounded good) to guilt-trip hapless men and women into buying cards and going out to eat at 12:00 noon on Sunday with their mothers.  In theory there is nothing wrong with this...every mother should get sweet cards from their children and should definitely be honored at a meal often and maybe even oftener (another word I just made up) but why do we have to be like the sheep that we've made ourselves to be and wait for Hallmark to tell us when to do it?  You just try and take your mama out to dinner this Sunday after church and you'll see how many other sheep have gotten there before you and are holding one of those little beepers in their hand just waiting for a table that's not going to be called "yours" for a good, solid hour!

Mothers should be loved every day.  We should send them cards in months that don't always begin with an "M".  Restaurants will be glad to seat you and your mother most any day of the week, last time I checked, and the food will be just as honorable then as it is on mother's day.  Wouldn't it mean so much more to you if your children called you up on another day, during another season even and invited you out someplace just because they loved you?  Wouldn't a card mean so much more if you got one in Junevember from someone just telling you that you'd done a great job raising your children?

Sorry folks, that's my tale and I'm currently sitting on it...riding in a car on my way to the beach and yes, my mother is with us, and yes, we'll be sitting somewhere in a restaurant on Sunday looking out at the beach...but I can promise you, the card that I bought isn't frilly!

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